• Unity
  • Unity animation transition issue

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I met an issue with animations transition in Unity
It's not about the first frame, keys and setupPose.
You'll see it at the video (watcj in 60 fps)

Can you help me guys?

PS sorry for my poor english

Can you send an example Unity project that exhibits the issue to unity@esotericsoftware.com

I can take a look at it there.

Sent an email.
Thank you

Pharan yazdı

There's a unity@esotericsoftware.com now?

Yea. But you should still send your selfies to my personal though.

Unity 5.2.x has a Mecanim problem... the Current and Next clip info arrays have duplicates for a single frame at the end of a transition... I hate Mecanim soooo much...


foreach (var info in nextClipInfo) {
               float weight = info.weight * layerWeight;
               if (weight == 0)

Replace with:

foreach (var info in nextClipInfo) {
               float weight = info.weight * layerWeight;
               if (weight == 0 || weight == 1)
Mitch yazdı
Pharan yazdı

There's a unity@esotericsoftware.com now?

Yea. But you should still send your selfies to my personal though.

why does nobody send me files? 🙁

Mitch yazdı


foreach (var info in nextClipInfo) {
               float weight = info.weight * layerWeight;
               if (weight == 0)

Replace with:

foreach (var info in nextClipInfo) {
               float weight = info.weight * layerWeight;
               if (weight == 0 || weight == 1)

Oh, thank you very much! It helped!
You are awesome! 🙂