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  • Spine + UNITY3D

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Hi @Nate, "Spine Software" is one of the most brutal 2D animation par excellence.
Why Spine has no presence in the Unity forum? I know you have your own forum (this forum) but I think some people do not know about Spine or never heard about this software.

I think it would be good Spine also has its own thread in the forum Unity? could write the latest advances, features and the latest games made with spine and so people would see the quality of Spine.


What do you think Mitch?

For me, it's hard to keep track of Spine topics on other forums. Just keeping up with what's going on here is tough.

Haha, but @Nate that can be a source of potential customers..
Only One thread showing the latest news of Spine(features.. games maded with Spine). And always pointing to this forum if they have questions to ask.
The people there always is interested in animation methods .. Creature Animation software and Puppet2d asset (and all here we know that Spine is 1000 better) always has people talking and showing what they did with their asset / software and always attracts buyers with its informative thread.

I think you have to give it a try in unity forum 🙂 at least one time.

I would help.. if that counts =)

Do they allow threads there that aren't part of the asset store?

If they do, I could just cross post any news and version updates Nate posts in the changelog and forum, and link to here. Nothing else. That shouldn't be a problem. That is if they allow it there.

Asset store topics are a mess for discussion. Everyone posts random bugs and comments in one super-long thread and it's hard to follow anything. I don't think it's a good idea to keep a discussion thread there. And in that case, it'd be weird to keep a changelog/news thread in the Unity forums.

But I do agree that Spine could stand to have some kind of presence in the Unity forums somehow, just so people know.

They allow if you create the thread in the correct section.. Spine inst an Asset from the Unity Asset store.. but is an 2D animation tool so in that case the thread can be create in the 2D SECTION http://forum.unity3d.com/forums/2d.53/ or in the Animation Section http://forum.unity3d.com/forums/animation.52/

I think the thread can be about news about Spine, some Game success stories made with Spine, when Mitch release a new Assets for Unity (like gunman, hitman, whats coming next), new features about Spine..
Just a thread for informational/marketing purposes only

At best, I think it'd be a good idea to wait for Spine 3.0 to do this, or a while after so people will get acquainted with something more stable.

but it would be better to create it now and start creating expectations.. and they can get familiar with what is Spine.
It is my humble opinion..

Pharan, would be awesome if you took on keeping a post over there up to date! :love:

I could also help @Nate and @Pharan, I know I'm new here but I came to stay =)