• Unity
  • Unity Runtime v3.0 Update Pending

Pharan, how far we are with Unity Spine Runtime 3.x? Can we use it in production now?

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If you're using SkeletonUtility, no.
Otherwise, yes.

Also, even if you plan to use SkeletonUtility in the future but don't need to right away, go right ahead.

But Mitch hasn't mentioned anything about when he's going to work on things and what dates he's shooting for or whatever so there's really no telling on that front.

22 Feb 2016 2:54 pm

If anyone's having problems importing their jsons after 3.0.11, you have to update your runtimes. (but you don't have to reexport your old jsons. There were recent changes in Spine-Unity that matches some changes in 3.0.11 but are still compatible with old jsons. But the old runtime wasn't forward compatible with these new changes)

Hmmm.... I asked Mitch directly on skype and no answer. :-) There are three explanations :-)

1) He does not like me :-)
2) He is too busy
3) He will not work on SkeletonUtility :-) :-) :-)

5 gün sonra

Do the SkeletonUtility! (please?)

Hi, any movement forward for SkeletonUtility?

Spine 3.1 is not yet ported to spine-csharp and spine-unity.
Try not to export using binary or use LinkedMeshes (or expect them to work) til then.

I think Mitch is busy with VR stuff?

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10 gün sonra

Seems like no movement on this line. :-( anyone else able to rewrite skeleton utility?

8 gün sonra
foriero yazdı

Hi, any movement forward for SkeletonUtility?

Me, too.

Pharan yazdı

Spine 3.1 is not yet ported to spine-csharp and spine-unity.
Try not to export using binary or use LinkedMeshes (or expect them to work) til then.

I think Mitch is busy with VR stuff?

Hi Pharan,
My colleague and I need to use the linked meshes features for our new project, hope the runtime will be updated soon. Thank you!

Don't worry, it will. Very likely next week. If it's not official, I'll have a fork of it at least.

15 gün sonra

Any updates on this?

Pharan, can you please add null check on material in LateUpdate in SkeletonRenderer.cs. It happens that when we destroy gameobject the late update is called but materials are already gone. Thanks, Marek

if (!mustUpdateRendererMaterials) {
               var workingSubmeshInstructionsItems = workingSubmeshInstructions.Items;
               for (int i = 0, n = lastPushedMaterials.Length; i < n; i++) {
                  [b]if (lastPushedMaterials [i] != null && workingSubmeshInstructionsItems [i].material != null) {[/b]
                     if (lastPushedMaterials [i].GetInstanceID () != workingSubmeshInstructionsItems [i].material.GetInstanceID ()) {   // Bounds check is implied above.
                        mustUpdateRendererMaterials = true;

06 Apr 2016 6:23 am

Or may be that happens when we set spine object gameObject.SetActive(false). Not completely sure. But that line fixed all errors.

When you destroy the gameobject or SetActive(false), LateUpdate gets called?

If an element in the material array turned null, that's a sign that something else went wrong. (the error it throws in that case is helpfully warning you of something. Possibly one of your atlases have unassigned materials.)

Hmm.... the game was running fine with 2.x runtime. It started to throw errors with 3.x runtime. Im not sure what causing it since it os hard to track.

07 Apr 2016 1:06 am

Hi Pharan, I dig a little deeper into this issue and it seems that SkeletonAnimation is constantly removing all assigned materials. See the video. I tried everything but it keeps to remove it even if in jump_Atlas it is correctly assigned. In that case for sure the material can not be found since it is removed in edit mode. If I go to play mode and then drag the material into MeshRenderer it stays there and animation works correctly. So it seems like SkeletonAnimation has bug in edit mode by constantly removing material. But it happens not for all spine animations. Only a few. Any idea what can be the cause?


Sorry, still busy with stuff 🙁

Am moving to my new home literally this weekend...then things will calm down and my 1 hour+ each-way commute will go away and i'll probably have some more time.

:-( Mitch we need you so much. :-)

9 gün sonra

Congratulations on your new home, Mitch!

Thank you for everything you've done up until now - no matter whether you are able to continue or not!

My mesh separator is not working on unity-sipine-v3_runtime...
everything same?

7 gün sonra

When released? PLEASE HURRY

netics yazdı
foriero yazdı

Hi, any movement forward for SkeletonUtility?

Me, too.