- Düzenlendi
Skeleton Animation Losing State On Play
I have a freshly created skeleton animation & utility:
Anything I do in the editor is not saved when hit play. For example, if I hit Flip X
as soon as I hit play the change is undone.
Do you know why I'm losing my changes on Skeleton Utility when I hit play?
One thing that doesn't change is the animation. If I set that it stays, but Flip X or Y, or turning on any slots are lost on play.
SkeletonUtility doesn't store state. Where it lists slots and flip and things is just a tester.
You can use it in Play Mode or Edit Mode but nothing you change in it is saved.
Are there any Spine scripts that will let me pre-configure whats displaying on a Spine instance or will I need to make that myself?
You could probably do that for now.
It'd amount to just a MonoBehaviour with a bool.
Then you set skeletonAnimation.skeleton.flipX
according to that bool on Start (not Awake).
We'll try to figure out where those fields fit in the official runtime and add it after 3.0. There's also the matter of skeleton color too.
Maybe we could add it on SkeletonRenderer itself, like how the new flip bools on Sprite Renderer do it.
It's an ambiguous API matter for the official runtime because it means the data is in two different places; One in the serialized MonoBehavior, and one in the Spine.Skeleton object.
Though we could also just call it initialFlipX and initialFlipY and call it a day.
I would love a Udemy course (and I'd pay fullprice, no discount!) on the deep workings and goings on in Spine.
I feel like I'm missing out on so much haha.
And if Mitch does it I could throw in some :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: