@ToddRivers Awesome!! Thanks for posting it onto the asset store
I'm sure lots of people will appreciate all your hard work !
@ToddRivers Awesome!! Thanks for posting it onto the asset store
I'm sure lots of people will appreciate all your hard work !
Hey @ToddRivers we recently updated Spine-Unity and Spine-Csharp with the new runtime of Spine 3.6 and now all of our materials using your shaders look like this:
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We are using vertex lit with standard alpha (and the sprites come from Photoshop and they are being exported as standard alpha too) and they worked before.
Is this because we're using Unity 5.5.0f3?
@ToddRivers I can attest to this bug as well. I'm on Unity2017 now
But I can't seem to reproduce it consistently... If I recall the fix was to use PNG and not TGA files. But that might not be a good choice? I heard TGA is supposedly better for alpha channel control :think:
We fixed it!. The problem was that in the new shaders the combo box for the blend mode changed, so before we had Pre-multiplied Alpha (or whatever mode we were using like, soft add, add, etc) and with the update it changed every material to Opaque. That's why it looked like that .
I am sorry for being a bit off topic. I am trying to modify Unity UI Sprite Default to support RectMask2d. But honestly i am totally a noob in shaders. I am trying to do this as with default UI shader am getting terrible fps drop. But I need masking and Sprite-Defult shader do not support it. I know that UI default shader uses stencil, but Sprite default does not. But this should not be problem as in unity documentation is stated that RectMask2d do not use stencil.
Hey everyone !
I'm having this weird issue using the pixel lit option as it renders my sprite is completely semi transparent. You can see it pretty well in the gif below, seeing through the sword or seeing his right sleeve that's supposed to be completely hidden under his red cloak
I tried different parameters but none that look good or solve the issue. Any pointers ?
Bumping this, maybe if anyone has any pointers (or should I just file a bug report thread ?)
MrHoot yazdıHey everyone !
I'm having this weird issue using the pixel lit option as it renders my sprite is completely semi transparent. You can see it pretty well in the gif below, seeing through the sword or seeing his right sleeve that's supposed to be completely hidden under his red cloak
I tried different parameters but none that look good or solve the issue. Any pointers ?
Bumping this, maybe if anyone has any pointers
(or should I just file a bug report thread ?)
If I remember correctly it's because you need to check "Write To Depth" under the Depth header (under the Shader/Material). You also need to change your Z spacing (it's a slider under the Advanced settings in the Skeleton Animation (script) that's on your character). Hope this points at some direction
ToddRivers yazdıThe shaders are now up on GitHub. To download them follow this link and click 'Clone or download' and then download as a zip. Copy the SpriteShaders folder into anywhere inside your Unity Assets folder.
Are these shaders compatible with 5.6.X? We don't want to udate yet to 2017.X and ruin our project haha. Thanks!, this shader is amazing and we've been using the one provided by the Spine 3.6 Runtime but we would like to have it separately and at the same time updated as far as we can inside 5.6.X.
If not, could you provide the version that was updated until 5.6.X?
Thanks again!
The version bundled with Spine-Unity is compatible with 5.6.
Note that the shader names/paths there are different.
Pharan yazdıThe version bundled with Spine-Unity is compatible with 5.6.
Note that the shader names/paths there are different.
My question though is if, is it the last updated version of the shader or not?.
We're currently using the one bundled with the Spine-Unity version for Spine 3.6.X. The one in the asset store have more options I think, I read in it's github that includes a dissolve shader. And that's exactly what we want for some Spine deaths haha.
Thank you for the answer!
hmm.. looks like it's not, just based on the dates of the cgincludes.
Pharan yazdıhmm.. looks like it's not, just based on the dates of the cgincludes.
Thanks again, I tried anyways the shader downloading it from github and the dissolve shader doesn't work well with our scenes, it outupts some weird overlay effects.
In the scene I have fog particles behind and over the playground plane, and also unity distance fog (lighting settings). The dissolve shader works really great but it mask the particles behind I think. And also I don't know why it outlines the sprite too, like this:
Here is the material inspector settings:
Here a picture without all the particles floating behind and in front. Just the distance fog effect that as it seems makes the sprite outlined, don't know why.
As a lot of my questions, maybe is because I don't know how shaders work and some shaders don't work well combined, like the particles one with this one, and distance fog all in one scene. Thanks!
Our game is 2d but we're writing every sprite into the Z buffer for pixel lit sprites, and also because some post processing effects need the Z buffer like DoF and Motion Blur. We could just have sorting layers but we need the Z Buffer for a lot of effects.
Hi, everyone
We are using the Spine/Sprite/Vertex Lit shader and we've come across a weird problem.
It is easily reproducible in your Sprite Shaders Example, so I'll use it to describe the issue.
The light reflections on a model with normal map are fine, but when you override a bone and rotate it the reflections on that bone become incorrect. And it only happens at runtime. Everything is fine when viewed in the editor.
In your Example I've turned off every light except the rotating one (disabling the rotation). I'm rotating the head.
Here is what happens in the Editor:
the lights on the head are correct.
... and at runtime
the lights are as if the head hasn't been rotated.
Solve Tangents is checked, we are using Unity 2017.3.1p4
Do you have any ideas?
Thanks for reporting. I think we found the problem but we need to make sure of it first. Stay tuned!
Thanks again for reporting!
The fix has been applied on git and in the new unitypackage (Mar 23) available here : Spine Unity Download
Let us know if it works correctly for you!
Have anyone tested if these work with the new Unity Lightweight Render Pipelines (in 2018.1), or logically should/shouldn’t work?
Thanks for letting us know, nsf!
Is the rim lighting working? I can't get it working here, I am using normal map.
Can anyone confirm if light map baking works for them? I wasn't able to do any baking with the spine shaders sadly. I switched to standard shaders and it works.
Can you reattach missed pics from topic?
If you mean ToddRiver's fist posting 3 years ago, I fear that he will simply not be able to do so.
Hi, is there any way to get this shader to work with SpriteMasks?
The Spine/Sprite/*
shaders included in spine-unity 3.8 and 3.9 are already compatible with SpriteMasks.
To activate mask interaction, you just have to select your SkeletonAnimation
(or SkeletonMecanim
) GameObject and in the Inspector and change Mask Interaction
from None
to your desired interaction mode.
Many thanks for Todd and Respect : )
Hello again. Have a problem. And need help to understand
What does it mean Z order. And how I can fix it?
Change Lighting mode to Vertex Lit
Sorry for the late reply! Glad you've figured it out, thanks for letting us know.
In case you need this later, you would have needed to set Z Spacing
here under the Advanced
Inspector foldout of SkeletonAnimation
, as the message suggested:
spine-unity Runtime Documentation: Setting Advanced Parameters
mercuryarms yazdıHow to get sharp shadow edges ( toon shading ) like in this video?
Create a new texture with any resolution (power of two preferably), and paint the left half of the texture with a dark color, and the right half with white. Then place the texture in the Spine/Sprite/VertexLit material's Diffuse Ramp texture slot in Unity.
Probably its too late asking in this thread
I used this file (the last attachment) for ramp. Bur result is not the same as in your post.
Without DR
With DR
Where is a problem?
Unity 2020. Point Light.
This seems to be the same question as posted on this thread:
2D Light URP Light Mask Duffuse Ramp and Specular
Please always keep to a single forum thread and not double post your question. And don't worry, we will find new forum postings, no matter on which subforum or thread they have been posted.
If the two questions are the same, let's please keep it to one of the two threads.
If they are separate questions, could you please provide more information about whether you are using Universal Render Pipeline or not, and if so, wheter you are perhaps using 2D Renderer for 2D lighting?