- Düzenlendi
Unity Runtime
Hi Nate. We're having trouble with the Spine Unity runtime while dev'ing for LD48.
Time is urgent, can you either patch or provide a starting point for us to look at as to why our assets aren't loading right? I've sent emails into contact@eso with no response. Thanks!
Hey, love the style. I'm afraid Nate is a bit under the weather today, so I'm not sure he will be able to get to it in time, at the same time I'm sure that if he is feeling up to it he will fix it as quick as he can. Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.
Sorry for the delay! I've replied via email.
Fixed! Thanks for patching the C# runtime Nate!
No problem. Looking forward to seeing your game!
So we finished our Ludum Dare game in under 72 hours!
Spine was awesome in the game development pipeline. Few hiccups along the way, but a huge help regardless. Thanks for the hard work on Spine guys.