• Unity
  • Import .Skel.Bytes 3.2.01 stopped working

Great question. No, I did not. But if my animator did and gave me a file he created in 3.3 could it have export issues yet function properly in 3.2.01?

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If they saved it in 3.3, it wouldn't open in 3.2. So you'd probably notice if you stayed with Spine 3.2.01 and they didn't.

Are you using the latest SkeletonBinary.cs? You didn't change anything in the loaders, right? And it just stopped working?
Do you know what specifically changed in that Spine project?

We could confirm it for you and check what's wrong if you can send your Spine project to unity@esotericsoftware.com

bir ay sonra

I will check. I went over my repository changes looking for spine changes but didn't find anything. I will submit a project link after I check that. Thanks!

27 Jul 2016 7:36 am

I sent my current spine project. Still having issues with importing. I am using 5.3.4p6. I tried 3.4 runtime and spine version but still getting errors on import.

Thanks. I've confirmed there was a problem when exporting and loading from 3.2 for that specific project.
But I think it had more to do with the project being in an incorrect state or the exporter doing something wrong.

will continue to look into it.

7 gün sonra

Thanks for looking into this. I updated to 3.4 because the project has been extended. I am sending you the latest spine file. The import issues are still happening.

I appreciate your time looking into this.

04 Aug 2016 8:37 am

Let me know if you want me to send you the 3.4 spine file. Still having issues with importing.


That's strange. Did you make any other changes to it?
Otherwise, I'm sure we could just upgrade the project on our end.

@Nate/@badlogic hasn't gotten to checking it out yet. But this is more evidence for my suspicions of some incorrect state in the project.

Ok, Thanks.

There were more animations added but nothing else. I am going to send 3.4 file.

Whenever this happens, try exporting json too, and use "pretty print". This will help you check for problems in your Spine project.

I notice some of your images are marked as "Background". This means they won't be included in the skeleton data, and this may cause unexpected results and errors.
Try to make sure all of the images you need to be visible are not marked "Background".

Ok thanks I will check for that.

Yes, that was it. Thanks for the help.