• Editor
  • Spine will not open

  • Düzenlendi
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I was using Spine without an issue this morning, but now it crashes when I try to open it - I sometimes get a dialog allowing me to send the crash report, but other times it simply dumps me to the desktop.

I have had some crashing issues before with the project file I was using most recently (and the one that Spine is currently trying to open) because, I suspect, of the large number of images in the image folder. Since Spine opens up the most recent project automatically, is there any way to keep it from doing that, so I can at least work on my smaller non-crashy project files?

You can remove (or edit) the preferences file to stop it from loading the last project:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\prefs.json
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/prefs.json
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/prefs.json

You can disable automatic updates by clicking the Spine logo in the upper left, then Settings. Choose the update from the select box and restart Spine.

If you don't have access to the Settings dialog because Spine will not run (maybe an update now crashes for you), you can change the version that Spine uses by editing this file:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\version.txt
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/version.txt
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/version.txt
Create the file if it does not exist. Edit contents of the file to be the version Spine should load, eg "1.3.22" (without quotes). In the same folder, a subfolder named "updates" contains the available versions you can specify. Delete the version.txt file to use the latest.

However, likely you are crashing because of the latest update failing on Mac, which will crash on any project you open. I have a fix and I've run a build which takes a while, now I'm uploading it but my connection here in Croatia is ungodly slow. Should be ready in a few minutes.

Edit: Upload complete, restart Spine and you should be good.

Yep, it works now. Thanks!