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Spine 3.6 beta is available
We've started the 3.6 beta. Opt-in to beta releases and restart Spine to try it! Just be careful, beta versions mean some official runtimes have not yet support the exports. Also, if you save your project with 3.6, you can't open it with an older version of Spine.
Changelog is here, as always:
Spine: Changelog: v3.6.00 beta
There's a couple noteworthy new features:
Tint black
option for slots. This makes for more powerful tinting so you get more out of your images. You can do some nice effects, like the Super Mario invincibility star flashing, solid color outlines, inverted colors, and more. It can also look nice when using additive, screen, or multiply. Special support is required in the runtimes, so be warned that some game toolkits may not be able to supportTint black
.Point attachments. This is a simple point with a rotation which can be used to spawn projectiles, particle effects, etc. This differs slightly from using a bone because it's an attachment, which means it can go in a skin. One use could be to have a slot with different point attachments which define the projectile spawn point for various guns. When you attach a gun attachment, you'd also attach the appropriate point attachment and runtime code would know where to spawn projectiles.
Tree highlighting. Items related to the selected object in the tree are highlighted. This can help visual relationships between objects and we have plans to do more (a tree search). It turned out even better than we expected!
High quality line rendering for meshes, paths, graph, etc without needing to turn on MSAA.
More is planned for 3.6, so keep an eye on the waffle.
Nice! Are you still planning to add Clipping/Masking to 3.6? It's marked as "ready" in the Waffle..
This would be my 1000% most favourite feature ever and it would improve our animation workflow so much! Looking forward!
I am excited about this!! Clipping, masking, wow!!!
CLIPPING F*CKING MASK ! Cannot be more excited !
Just remember that clipping masks may not be possible in all runtimes. Unity should work (enjoy Pharan ), Love/Corona/Cocos2d-x not so much.
badlogic yazdıJust remember that clipping masks may not be possible in all runtimes. Unity should work (enjoy Pharan
), Love/Corona/Cocos2d-x not so much.
Nope. Not possible. :notme:
As long as we're talking about clipping, I want to mention that the following features will be the most valuable to me personally:
Clip to Shape / Mask
Sweep Transparency ( Make all of the pixels transparent from on side or corner to the other procedurally)
Circular Transparency ( Think the cooldown / progress timer in WoW or other games )
Combining these together will be super useful. Here's an example asset I had to code by hand that would be awesome to be able to generate in spine.
I have a suggestion, maybe you'r already though about it, but one of my biggest concerns is adding frame-by-frame animations to the timeline. I'v been doing this manually, adding one frame at the time to the animation, but i would love to have a function were i can just select frames, for instance 0-100 or 50-100 and drag them to the timeline and drop them where ever i want and the program puts them in correct order at the point where i let go.
Hope this is possible cause in my work i add a lot of frame-by-frame animations to spine, and its tedious to activate one frame at the time and moving the slider on the timeline.
I know it's tedious. We always planned to have an attachment that played a sequence of images at a given framerate, but there always seems to be a dozen more important things to do!
Nate yazdıI know it's tedious.
We always planned to have an attachment that played a sequence of images at a given framerate, but there always seems to be a dozen more important things to do!
Omg this would be so good . ^.
Solgryn yazdıOmg this would be so good . ^.
+1 ! :angel:
what is Clipping, masking..? are there any example ?
Masking would for instance... allow you to raise a skeleton from the ground by defining the mask area and a fake ground and then turn the mask would turn itself off since it isnt used in setup pose or any other anims right?
Majicpanda yazdıMasking would for instance... allow you to raise a skeleton from the ground by defining the mask area and a fake ground and then turn the mask would turn itself off since it isnt used in setup pose or any other anims right?
I must need another coffee cause I didn't understand any of this ! :party:
But as far as I know (photoshop stuff), about clipping :
it would allows you to display an image only in the bounding of another image.
Per example : I always wanted to animate shadows of different body parts on other (like armor on thighs) but it's a pain in the *** because you have to make sure your shadow never spit out of the thigh. With clipping, you could say "my shadow must display ONLY on this thigh" and it could not appear outside of it
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Nate yazdı
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I want this in my life. [will this also support inverted masking?]
We'll see!