• Editor
  • Interpolation Curve/Path edit

It would be great if we were able to edit the path that interpolation between two keys go.

Wave principle is important in animation, and having that possibility would be fantastic,

good example is bouncing ball

right now I have to frame by frame it 🙁

unless there is another way?

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  • Düzenlendi

Yes! Arcs are very important.

Perhaps you would like to take a look at the Path Constraint feature?

Depending on what you want to achieve, I like to use two bones to have nice arc movement. One that I move only vertically and one horizontally. Here, I made the ball exemple quite fast.

The ball exemple is a simple one but I use this technique in almost every animations like a more complexe character animation. Look at the hips of the character.

Hope it helps.
Good luck!

Great post pag!

Another way you can achieve better arcs is by using two bones. One for each axis of movement. It's not perfect but we do plan on allowing X/Y to be keyed separately.

Thanks Shiu 🙂

Maybe I haven't explained it correctly but it was the way I was using it in the ball exemple (two bones x/y keyed separately)

@pag ah yes of course, I'm blind 😃 Also, that second skeleton is super cool.

7 gün sonra

I got to ask.. how did you get copied AND mirrored bones? I assume they are also mirrored in the editor screen correct?

In edit mode, did one side of the skeleton then copy, paste, flipped the bones by adding minus to the parent (like the shoulder of the arm), then translate it to the correct location. Make sense?

The animation is not mirrored, it's just key frames.

5 ay sonra

This thread has been very helpful!

This workaround at least prevents the need for keying every frame (I would hang myself!) but it does seem a bit unintuitive to animate this way...

Is there any way to get the X and Y translations into a single node? If Y is parented to X, it moves the slot under it away from the rig immediately.

Not currently, but we will separate X and Y keying for translation and scale in a future update

5 ay sonra

Has this been implemented yet? If not, When do you think it will be worked on?

The curve editor is up next, I believe separated X/Y keys will be implemented alongside that 🙂 I can't say when it will be done, but it's on the horizon now.

I thought multi-pose was up next.