• Editor
  • Merging Skeletons

I know there was a "Skeleton Merger Tool" made by a BinaryCats a while ago, but it doesn't work with newer versions of Spine and is not being updated any more.

I was wondering if this feature is going to added to the editor at any point, or if it is on a roadmap or Trello card anywhere, or if it just a definite "no" in terms of it being added.

I understand there are issues with merging such as skeletons/attachments/slots etc with the same name, but this could easily be a prerequisite of using any such tool successfully - make sure there are no clashes.

I have skeletons which I need to interact with each other (think a player character using in game objects) where I need the player to move "in-between" the slots of the object skeleton, so just importing a second skeleton doesn't work.

I remember asking a similar question a couple of years ago now, so was just wondering what the progress / stance on this is now?


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:hi: :makeup: :S 🙁

BinaryCats yazdı

:hi: :makeup: :S 🙁

LOL! :hi:

I didn't know you were still around mate, but while you are here - what are the chances of you updating your tool?
I wouldn't mind paying for it to be honest, it was so useful to me back when you first released it and saved me hours of work!

on one hand I think I should up date it. on the other I think I shouldn't to force Spine guys to implement this incredibly usful feature

Yeah I know what you mean, it's such a useful feature it would be great if it was built into the editor, even if that would lock out users of older versions of the editor (due to 3rd party runtime compatibility etc).
An external tool which allowed the user to choose a version of Spine from a dropdown list, and merge skeletons from that version would definitely have my money! (hint hint lol!)

Ahh that's interesting, hopefully someone "in the know" can comment on this thread soon and clear things up, but that looks promising.