I know there was a "Skeleton Merger Tool" made by a BinaryCats a while ago, but it doesn't work with newer versions of Spine and is not being updated any more.
I was wondering if this feature is going to added to the editor at any point, or if it is on a roadmap or Trello card anywhere, or if it just a definite "no" in terms of it being added.
I understand there are issues with merging such as skeletons/attachments/slots etc with the same name, but this could easily be a prerequisite of using any such tool successfully - make sure there are no clashes.
I have skeletons which I need to interact with each other (think a player character using in game objects) where I need the player to move "in-between" the slots of the object skeleton, so just importing a second skeleton doesn't work.
I remember asking a similar question a couple of years ago now, so was just wondering what the progress / stance on this is now?