• Unity
  • From SkeletonAnimation to SkeletonAnimator...

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So, because I was still following some workflows really dated from Youtube, Pharan guided me back to where I should be with the current workflow to initial character setup. Previously my character was using SkeletonAnimation which didn't go well with mecanim without extra script to trigger animations, but now that I've got it under SkeletonAnimator things look like how they should be.

However, I've got a problem, though.
My character's poses are mixed after their own play: like when I play idle -> walk -> idle, then some bone rotations and positions seem mixed up. They don't go back perfectly pose after pose. Can someone point out what could have gone wrong in this case?

edit : omitted the question part since I simply just figured out how to work with mecanim events. Still has no clue about how to resolve the pose-wrecking, though.

SkeletonAnimator has a number of limitations we are working on resolving.
You can check the "auto-reset" checkbox on the SkeletonAnimator.

But currently, the surest way to have clean results is to have keys for the bones that are causing problems, even if they look correct in Spine Editor.

SkeletonAnimation does not have this requirement since these issues are handled by the internal AnimationState code, especially in 3.6.

Pharan yazdı

SkeletonAnimator has a number of limitations we are working on resolving.
You can check the "auto-reset" checkbox on the SkeletonAnimator.

But currently, the surest way to have clean results is to have keys for the bones that are causing problems, even if they look correct in Spine Editor.

SkeletonAnimation does not have this requirement since these issues are handled by the internal AnimationState code, especially in 3.6.

Sigh... so much work to do... I mean, trying to perfect anything would be the same, but since my old player had such complex animation control as well as too complex state machine to really nit pick things I changed it from SkeletonAnimation to SkeletonAnimator to utilize the mecanim and. now....

This has always been the requirement with SkeletonAnimator ever since it was written.
It's just that SkeletonAnimation and AnimationState had some major improvements just last month which applied to all runtimes.

The fixes are not straightforwardly applicable/translatable to SkeletonAnimator since Mecanim holds the layers and times and it's sort of out of our control unless they expose more of the API or we manage some hacks to get things to work.

Pharan yazdı

This has always been the requirement with SkeletonAnimator ever since it was written.
It's just that SkeletonAnimation and AnimationState had some major improvements just last month which applied to all runtimes.

The fixes are not straightforwardly applicable/translatable to SkeletonAnimator since Mecanim holds the layers and times and it's sort of out of our control unless they expose more of the API or we manage some hacks to get things to work.

I'm not even quite sure if my changes got my player animation controller any better or same or even worse now.
What should I do? Since my knowledge toward both SkeletonAnimation and SkeletonAnimator are not that deep yet I can't clearly tell what'd happen furthermore and decide...

What is the best known way to achieve a good animation controller with fsm at current build? Like, PlayMaker + SkeletonAnimation? Or, is just hard coding animation controls the best way to go with Unity?