I'm working with Spine and I've seen this issue, when you update your source image in explorer, if that image has a different scale then it messes up completely the image, which is fine. The issue is when you try to go back to the original image, it stays scaled wrongly, is there any way to reset the width of the skeleton image? I've tried exporting and importing a json file modifying the width back to the original size but it doesn't do anything.
Here are the steps that I did to reproduce this:
- I made a simple mesh from one of the examples
- In the explorer I took another image and replaced it with the original you see there
The image that I replaced it with was the same image but with a higher width
- Then I switched back to the original image, I didn't touch anything in Spine
Here is the end result:
Any idea on how to reset the width of the reference image, because it just keeps scaling it's width no matter what I do and sadly I already saved some of my skeletons without realizing that issue.