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[ue4] i need help open samples to UE4
i'm animator and my English lv.1 :sweat:
ㄴthis makes it harder..... sorry!!!!
I want import spine to unreal4. (that called runtime?)
so try to see this link :
- install 'ue4' complete. (i try two types ver : 4.16.2 and 4.15.3)
- install 'visual studio 2015 community' complete.
- download the zip file complete.
4.'/spine-c/spine-c' folder in '/public/' folder complete. - open project <-this step problem!!!
try open 'SpineUE4', popup missing massage(copy and paste) :
Missing SpineUE4 Modules
The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like to rebuild them now?
예(Y) 아니요(N)
and click yes, 'building start' message is about 2 sec long and an error occurs.
Error message(copy and paste) :
SpineUE4 could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.
than can not open... can I get help with this problem?
First delete the binary and intermediate folder
Then rebuild the project.
Youbwill have a build error. Check the log from the saved/log folder projects.
Probable cause:
Build.cs are using the old system for building. The log gives you a hint about what biuld.cs files you must edit and what change.
Other possible cause: the documentation is confusing and misleading.
You must copy the spine c folder that is inside of the spine c folder in your plugin folder
oh i didn't think of the log. and know where it is!
i'm going to check that
it's nice hint. thank you!!!
@InnerChild, we keep the old build in place so the runtime works with older UE4 versions. There aren't preprocessor defines exposed in the build system, so we can't have separate code for different versions. Until the deprecation is complete, we'll keep it as is. There shouldn't be any problems stemming from this, except for warning messages in the build log.
How would you say is the documentation misleading? It says
Copy the folder spine-runtimes/spine-c/spine-c to your project's Plugins/SpinePlugin/Source/SpinePlugin/Public/ folder.
Happy to formulate it in a different way.
@Osamsa, let us know what the log says!
hello! thank you for helping me.
i try again cleanly
i attached 2 file.
log file and my folder inside.
i think text '????' is 'My Documents'
another broken text i don't know.. should i open it with a different extension? i open text file
badlogic yazdı@[silindi], we keep the old build in place so the runtime works with older UE4 versions. There aren't preprocessor defines exposed in the build system, so we can't have separate code for different versions. Until the deprecation is complete, we'll keep it as is. There shouldn't be any problems stemming from this, except for warning messages in the build log.
How would you say is the documentation misleading? It says
Copy the folder spine-runtimes/spine-c/spine-c to your project's Plugins/SpinePlugin/Source/SpinePlugin/Public/ folder.
Happy to formulate it in a different way.
@Osamsa, let us know what the log says!
1-The download link is broken
2- epic sent a email to plugin developer for updating their pluguins to 4.16 because there will be relevants changes on the engine. I know this because i have made plugins and i got this email and i had to update my plugin
- If you are using 4.14 you should not push on git a readme saying "updated to 4.16". The build.cs rules have changed and is the minimal change that you need to make with your plugins.
- The instructions say that must copy the contents of spine-c in "Sources" .
I guess you mean "Source" .and it is not the folder spine-c but the spine-c inside of it. - If you want the plugin and/or the example you must download the whole repository including repos for all runtimes. You should have different repos for every runtime properly ordered. That is more confusing and a waste of time and discourage to the community to help with the source code
- I could keep going with more situations because we are on it trying to bring the really good advantages of spine to ue4 but for that we need cooperation. And the least we expect is some love for the customer of ue4. The differences of ux on the ue4 plugin vs unity plugin are huge.
Osamsa yazdıhello! thank you for helping me.
i try again cleanlyi attached 2 file.
log file and my folder inside.i think text '????' is 'My Documents'
another broken text i don't know.. should i open it with a different extension? i open text file
You need to install visual Studio2017 with c++ game components.
There is a error about missing windows sdk 8.1 that makes me suspect that.
Please uninstall vs2015. Ue4 4.16 works only with 2017.
Searchnon epic webpage they updated the procedure of ibstalling visual. Studio for the new version of unreal.
For the build.cs warnings you must change the way that target is defined. I am on my phone so i cannot show you how i changed it on my project but please check this example
InnerChild :angel: and badlogic :angel: !
i success now! thank you!!
before i install vesual 2015, 2017 two ver.
changed : sdk8.1 install (be installed window 10. install sdk8.1 is ok? becouse i see the sdk10)
install 8.1sdk -> run ue4 engin -> rebillding -> open success!!
and play mode is work!
thank you!!! :yes: :yes: :yes:
Let me answer each point of yours
1-The download link is broken
Ah, you are correct, the download link in the Spine UE4 guide was pointing to the old branch. Sorry, oversight, fixed!
2- epic sent a email to plugin developer for updating their pluguins to 4.16 because there will be relevants changes on the engine. I know this because i have made plugins and i got this email and i had to update my plugin
Yes, we received that email as well, and we plan on acting on it once Epic has fully deprecated the old build system API.
3. If you are using 4.14 you should not push on git a readme saying "updated to 4.16". The build.cs rules have changed and is the minimal change that you need to make with your plugins.
Yes, the changes are minimal, but will prevent people on UE < 4.16 to use the plugin. There's no way to have a < 4.16 and a >= 4.16 of the build files live side by side. The deprecation warnings currently being displayed in the build log are not harming a build apart from polluting the build output. We will update fully to the new build once Epic fully deprecates it, i.e. the warnings become errors.
4. The instructions say that must copy the contents of spine-c in "Sources" .
I guess you mean "Source" .and it is not the folder spine-c but the spine-c inside of it.
Ah, you refer to the README.md in the repository, not the guide. Fixed!
5. If you want the plugin and/or the example you must download the whole repository including repos for all runtimes. You should have different repos for every runtime properly ordered. That is more confusing and a waste of time and discourage to the community to help with the source code
We can package the plugin like we do package the Unity plugin, pulling in spine-c and zipping it up. That will make it easier for people who just want the plugin.
For people who want to work on the sources and contribute changes, the current layout is the best we can do. Spine UE4 depends on spine-c, which itself is used by other runtimes. Git sub-modules are broken, so a single monolithic repo is the best option for now in our opinion. It's the same for the Unity plugin.
6. I could keep going with more situations because we are on it trying to bring the really good advantages of spine to ue4 but for that we need cooperation. And the least we expect is some love for the customer of ue4. The differences of ux on the ue4 plugin vs unity plugin are huge.
And we do want to improve the UE4 plugin. We know it's not at the same level as the Unity plugin The reason being that it's the youngest runtime we have, while the Unity runtime is the oldest, and therefor most robust runtime. I'm sorry things take time. But we also need your feedback on improving things, be it bug reports or feature requests.