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  • Pinning IK's to another bone


Not sure if I'm asking this correctly, but I want pin/lock an IK to another bone/image. I notice in this video IK example setup - YouTube they have the guy's hand's attached to the horns of the dinosaur and I'm trying to accomplish something like that.

Basically I've got a character using a two-handed weapon and while the front arm lines up easily the back arm/hand also has to move with it. Any advice?


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  • Düzenlendi

I've had the same problem in the past, my solution for this was to have an IK for upper arm and lower arm, then for the hand I'd have a transform constraint that copied only the rotation of the weapon. (placed after the IK of course in the constraint order)

Hm, I tried what you said but I think I'm missing a step. I applied the transform restraint to the hand and it rotates along with the weapon but the arm doesn't move (so its basically the same situation except the hand is rotating now).

Ideally I'd like the arm position to change so that it can stay with the weapon.

Did you also create the IK constraint on the arm?

Yep, the arm has an IK constraint encompassing the upper/lower arm and the hand is parented to the lower arm.

Did you try inverting the order on the two constraints in the constraints list of the tree?

This gif has the interface in Japanese, but it should be understandable:

I tried playing with the order of the IK/path constraints and the only difference I found is if the path constraint is at the top of the list it does nothing whatsoever. Is that video trying to show how if you have two conflicting constraints the one higher on the list gets nullified?

My problem isn't that nothing is happening, the hand rotates and moves in accordance with the weapon's movements but the rest of the arm just stays in place.

Is the hand supposed to be using an IK constraint too? Right now the IK is just for the upper and lower arm and the hand is just a normal bone parented to the lower arm.

Ah! Figured it out! It just about placing the IK target within the weapon bone, that way the weapon drags the arm along with it!

Thanks for the help!

Glad you figured it out 😃