• Bugs
  • 3.6.48 - missing images all over

Spine autoupdated to 3.6.48 for me and now I suddenly got randomly missing images everywhere. Some of my spine files work and some don't. I haven't changed anything about the skeletons or the images and the images are all present on hard drive.

Example picture: Two legs are missing, two are ok. Fangs are missing. Nothing about those images or this skeleton has changed for ages. The only difference between the working and non-working legs is the last letter (a,b vs c,d)...

I tried reverting Spine version to the previous I was using from the settings menu, but the same thing keeps happening for some reason. I have 8 different .spine files and the save version doesn't seem to be a common theme either.

3.6.43 -> 2 broken
3.6.45 -> 1 working
3.6.46 -> 1 working
3.6.47 -> 3 working, 1 broken

Any ideas?

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  • Düzenlendi

Do you have many images in your project? you could try unchecking "Limit scanning" (you can find the option by selecting the images folder).
If this does not solve your problem, could you please send it to contact@esotericsoftware.com in a zip so I can check what is going on? thank you (:

Hey great, that works! I don't have that many images in my projects, but I export most of my animations as sprites to a separate folder which is right next to the .spine files, so I guess Spine keeps skanning those too. Anyway, I have 1800 exported sprite frames in the folder right now, so as according to tooltip 2000 is the limit, that explains it perfectly.

Thank you!

Scanning thousands of files doesn't really hurt, but you could set your images folder to images, then Spine wouldn't scan other folders. You'd need to use find and replace to update your attachment names to remove the images/ prefix.