Spine Gerçek zamanlı kütüphane Belgeleri

Aşağıda, Spine çalışma zamanlarını kullanmak için kapsamlı belgeler bulacaksınız. Yardım almak için kaynaklar arasında Spine FAQ and Spine forum.

To get the latest source code, explore Spine Runtimes example projects, or file bugs, visit our Spine Runtimes GitHub repository.

  • JSON format
    Runtimes load this data to display animations. Spine imports this format, allowing interoperability with other tools.
  • Binary format
    Runtimes load this data to display animations. Spine imports this format, allowing interoperability with other tools.
  • Atlas format
    Runtimes load this data to display images efficiently.

  • Skeleton Viewer
    A tool to load and display exported skeleton data.
  • Super Spineboy
    An example platformer game showing how Spine can be used. All code and assets are included.