- Düzenlendi
Tool for replace weight from one bone to antoher
Good day, I wondering is there a way to replace (copy) weight from one bone to another? For example I've bind many vertices to wrong bone and want to move all weights of this bone to the correct one for whole mesh.
red bone - 30%
orange bone - 70%
green bone - 0%
execute magic functionality ->
red bone - 0%
orange bone - 70%
green bone - 30%
weight was moved from red to green
Hello! this feature is not available yet but it's planned: Allow transferring weights from one bone to another · #301 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor
I'll add your +1 there!
Thanks for answer!
Transfer is a good name, though it's not clear how the tool would behave? Needs a way to specify the source and target bone(s).
It could work this way.
Once transfert mode is selected, three options are displayed:
- choosing the bone we need to transfert weights
- selecting bone which will receive the weights
- defining % of transfert.
What i'm not sure is if the new target bone must be already in the bent bones list to make it work?
Channels "From:" and "To:" could display a drop-down list of the bent bones of the selected mesh.
That is exactly what I am looking for. Does anyone know how the json encodes this information? I could write a json tool.
Currently I have a left and right side and would have to painfully reinstate the weights from left to right.
JSON format is documented here:
Spine: JSON export format
See vertices
under mesh attachment attributes