Is there any particular case where we should use free-form deformation instead of binding mesh to bones? Is there a difference in terms of optimization between them?

- 10 Eki 2023
- 2 Mar 2018 tarihinde katıldı
- Free form deformation discuss tartışmasında
- Reduce drawcalls for separate spine projects tartışmasında
Thanks! But still wonder about was it the right way to reduce draw calls via spine cli? Maybe I should use different cli commands or some another method?
- Reduce drawcalls for separate spine projects tartışmasında
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- Reduce drawcalls for separate spine projects tartışmasında
Good day, I have a bunch of different spine projects and want to draw them in one draw call. I've tried to search any suggestions on the forum, but didn't find any certain example how exactly to accomplish this.
I found one way myself, that possibly correct, but it looks like crutch for me. I open project, then import another project in first one. Then export as json in unity and get one atlas for both of projects. And I could import as many projects as I'd like and do the same.But maybe I've missed something and there is more correct way? For example, I saw suggestions to use Spine cli, but it seems too hard without any simple example.
Here is my attempt how to reach the same result as above with cli:// import first project in new project combine spine -i ./project_folder1/project1.spine -o ./combined/combine.spine -r // import second project in new project combine spine -i ./project_folder2/project2.spine -o ./combined/combine.spine -r // export combined project spine -i ./combined/combine.spine -e ./export/
Is that the right way how do it with cli?
- reverse keys make slow in and out to fast in and out tartışmasında
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- reverse keys make slow in and out to fast in and out tartışmasında
- Best way create interaction between characters? tartışmasında
Make sense, thanks!
- Best way create interaction between characters? tartışmasında
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- Best way create interaction between characters? tartışmasında
RIght now I working on interactions between characters, both of them have separated projects. What is the best way (or pipline) to create some sort of interaction? For example one character hit another?
I already have used "import project" feature, but looks like changes are saving in current project only (imported project haven't new animation) It would be nice if there is possibility do all animations in same place and then save it in separated projects.
- Tool for replace weight from one bone to antoher tartışmasında
Thanks for answer!
- Tool for replace weight from one bone to antoher tartışmasında
Good day, I wondering is there a way to replace (copy) weight from one bone to another? For example I've bind many vertices to wrong bone and want to move all weights of this bone to the correct one for whole mesh.
Example:red bone - 30%
orange bone - 70%
green bone - 0%execute magic functionality ->
red bone - 0%
orange bone - 70%
green bone - 30%weight was moved from red to green
- Tool for replace weight from one bone to antoher tartışmasında
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- Open project in an older version tartışmasında
my god, awesome!
- spine on reexport destroy unity events from animations tartışmasında
If add an event to animation in unity, then reexport animation - event disapear. Is there any way to save them? Think spine events will be good, but what about unity events?
somehow missed simple thing
"For example, if you named your event "Footstep" in Spine, you would have a MonoBehaviour on your SkeletonMecanim GameObject which has a method with the name Footstep()"
so I just create this events in spine (not unity) and add to MonoBehaviour methods with events name and problem is gone - spine on reexport destroy unity events from animations tartışmasında
- Düzenlendi
Omg, awesome work!
- Can't import dragone bone project to Spine(trial) tartışmasında
Thanks a lot for your response!
- Can't import dragone bone project to Spine(trial) tartışmasında
Good day, have problem with importing project from dragon bones to spine.
Loading Image
Problem occurs only in trial verison, in pro version works fine.
Looks like it somehow connected with meshes, here is 2 simple examples:- Works fine, doesn't use meshes
- Import problem
- Can't import dragone bone project to Spine(trial) tartışmasında
- Düzenlendi
- Skeleton animation culling mode tartışmasında
great, thanks for answer!