• Editor
  • Spine Features: Kickstarter #2

@lrateke, we can't make promises, except to say that we are working as hard as possible. To give a rough estimate, we hope to have meshes in the editor within a month or so. FFD will follow a few weeks afterward, then skinning a little while later. At this point, roughly 2-3 months from now, we'll likely update the runtimes to use the new features. IK pinning will be done last and doesn't affect the runtimes.

Related Discussions

2 or 3 months!!!!!! Outstanding!!! Can't wait for this...

Is it possible to get access to early version of FFD?
I really want to use this feature in my current project.
This is one of the example we want to have bending animation on it.

At this moment, we are working on the characters which do not need FFD features (in spine of course). If the FFD can arrive in time, we'll definitely use it to get best out of our art resources.
If it's necessary, I'd be happy to help test/develop the runtime.

PS: We use a Moai based engine, the spine module is built on top of the official C runtime.

We'll release the features as early as possible to everyone. 🙂

Small request for this kickstarter if possible: could you set up the UI so sections of the tree (Skins/Images/Root etc) can be to optionally in multiple windows? I work with one complex skeleton, a dozen or more skins with a dozen animations. It's just an absurd amount of scrolling and if I could have them in separate windows it would be really nice. Also would be nice if these windows could float so I can have them on my 2nd monitor.

I've already backed this kickstarter, regardless. Thanks for all the hard work! 🙂

Multiple windows is complicated with OpenGL, especially cross platform. It isn't impossible, but it's tricky. Multiple, dockable views in the same window is more likely, though still quite a bit of work.

great job Nate! keep up the good work! this feature is exactly what i have always wanted in any 2d animation software 😃 let us know when the feature is up and running

Just a question: I pledged 100$ and have Spine Essential. How does the upgrade to pro works? Thanks!

Thanks Onnevan! When the Kickstarter is over, we'll send out a new activation code.


6 gün sonra

Congratulations on reaching the Kickstarter goal!
Any plans for stretch goals?


Just noticed you guys reached your Kickstarter goal!! Congrats! Totally stoked and looking forward to all the new features!!!

Thanks! seems like I picked a perfect night to go to a concert, extra much to celebrate! 🙂

Woohoo! Thanks for all the support guys! 🙂 Not sure on the stretch goals, last time we went way too crazy with them.

Same here you've got all my support guys, the work your doing is amazing !

Awesome guys! Congrats!!! And again - thanks for making this awesome tool. Developing MLW would not have been the same without it! Keep up being awesome - looking forward to the new features!

Wohoooo congrats guys!!! 🙂
Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! 😃
...or just copy stuff from the image viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1514&p=7480#p7480 😃 lol just kidding,

Good job guys!!! 🙂 :beer:

Hi guys,

I've just found Spine and it looks like a great product 🙂

I was wondering though, if I donate $100 on the second Kickstarter now, do I jump straight to a Pro license? Or would I have to purchase an Essentials license first ($60), then donate another $100 to the Kickstarter to upgrade to Pro?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Mike, the $100 reward on the Kickstarter is an Essential to Professional upgrade, so you'd need the $60 Essential in order to use it. You could buy Essential now and the Professional upgrade through the Kickstarter. This way you can use it now, as you won't get your Kickstarter license until it is over in 9 days. Also Kickstarter takes more fees than PayPal, so it's better for us too. 🙂

Cool features! we already have the Pro version but will definitly pledge something 🙂

Regarding Corona Graphics 2.0, we are currently developing a game using it and I just want to be clear if FFD can really be supported there.. As far as I understood in Corona you will only have the ability to change vertices that are on the border (What Corona refers to as the 'path'). So I have no 3D experience but I cant understand how from that you can add your own custom vertices and adjust them in real time. Is this something that Corona are going to add?