• Editor
  • Plugins

Tell me, is there any hope that plugins will be added to the development plan?

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While we have not gotten to the feature you want, we have done an enormous amount in 10 years. Go back and run the early versions and compare.

It is unlikely we will provide plugins in the short term, sorry. A plugin system is a massive undertaking, both to implement well by providing good APIs that do the many things people want to do and to document how to use it. We do understand the value there, but it needs careful planning and proper execution. We are working on many things and have no been able to get to this one.

I am very sad to read this, but thanks for the honest answer. I hope someday you will change your mind and someone will convince you of the importance of plugins for Spine. I'm sorry I didn't make it.

  • Nick bunu yanıtladı.
    • Düzenlendi

    Depends on your situation, using other tools which allow you write custom plugins may be a better choice for you. IMO, spine is currently the best choice for making 2d game animation. I noticed other options which is not that bad if you want extensibility more than the provided features.

    If your are making game with Unity, AnyPortrait from unity asset store is worth a look. If I remember correctly, It came with full source code so you can do whatever you want to make it better. However, it seems to lack certain features like skin. I bought it a long time ago during a sale but never have time to get into detail but its so cheap that I don't feel bad putting it aside.

    Another interesting alternative is Moho Pro. According to their website, you can write custom script to personalize it. To be honest with you, I never tried it but it show some interesting features on their website that I really want them to be available in Spine so it got my attention. However, its expensive if you want to keep you version up-to-date. The approach to integrate to game engine is also different. It use standard fbx file which allow them to support game engine without custom runtime library. However, some special features that is provided by the spine runtime will not be possible using fbx.


    Regarding the topic about Spine plugin support, you guys are ... asking for too much. You don't need full feature well defined API to create tools for spine if you don't mind your tool floating outside the spine editor window. In opinion, it would be great if plugin support is available. However, as I suggested a long time ago, a lot of things can already be done IF ...

    1. Spine Editor can have a setting to make it save/load the project using the current json import/export format as default. (parsable text file is the key point)
    2. have another setting to have Spine auto detect project file change and auto reload the project.

    With these 2 very simple changes, we can write external tools to parse and update the project and have spine auto reload and apply with the changes.

    In fact, we can already do this kind of patch using the import/export feature to extend the spine editor but the workflow is not smooth without the 2 suggestions mentioned above. If spine team really want to help regarding the extensibility aspect for the spine editor, I think this little change could be a good start because it is really an easy task with big gain.

    p.s. I am just saying what can be improved easily, it doesn't mean I am making a feature request. I am not!

      Nick p.s. I am just saying what can be improved easily, it doesn't mean I am making a feature request. I am not!

      You are and you know it! 😜

      With these 2 very simple changes, we can write external tools to parse and update the project and have spine auto reload and apply with the changes.

      It's an interesting idea and you are right that would be a lot easier than providing a plugin system. Spine can import into an existing skeleton. One way to do it would be to have CLI commands to take actions on a Spine editor instance that is already running, eg to export to JSON and to import JSON into an existing skeleton.

      Another idea between nothing and a plugin system is to provide a REST API. This would give more control than the CLI, eg for setting/manipulating the selection or other minor UI tasks that might be part of a larger script.

      Thank you very much. I started with moho and did not know that can be exported to fbx and scripts are really good.

      By switching to Spine, I was hoping for the development of the program, but I do not understand why it is so slow.

      I will not use CLI or import -> export.This is a battle with the program, and I just want to work.

      Perhaps for you the program has changed a lot in 10 years. But I do not have this experience and I see that in a year there are almost no innovations and even improvements in the program.

      • Düzenlendi

      After two or three hours of setting frame offsets with a whip, my hands and eyes pains. Guides have been requested since 2016. Yes, they are not always needed, and they can be replaced with thin PNGs, but these are all stubs.

      I know that you are developing physics and I remember that you added a handy Favor Tool, it's all cool, but it doesn't help at all in the routine.

      Most routine operations, as it was difficult to do a year ago, are so difficult to do now.

      The suggestion to use the CLI looks like a mockery.

      How you develop the program is up to you, but can you make the routine operations a little less painful?

      This is my personal observation and maybe other people need something different. I just briefly described my impressions of the program for a year of work.

      @Urr I'm curious about what kind of animations you are making to have so many problems. If you can share your project and maybe I can help with finding the easiest and fastest workflow for you. The thing with animation is that it's hard. Making convincing motion requires laser-sharp focus, and usually years of practice. When you look at the usual 3 years of bachelor's + 3 years of junior position you need around 6 years of constant work to be a decent animator. Some get it faster, some slower, but it's still years of concentrated work. We are constantly working on how to make Spine easy to use and intuitive with new features, but that is a huge challenge as there are so many use cases, plus users coming from different backgrounds with different skill sets and different necessities.

      • Urr bunu yanıtladı.


        What advice can you give me if I need to quickly switch between filters in Dopesheets?

        I need either non-collapsible buttons like in Tree window or keyboard shortcuts. The current dropdown list is inconvenient. Any drop-down lists are inconvenient.

        What advice can you give me if I need to make 40 whipshift animation files to animate different flowers and herbs? I hope you will soon do physics and it will help a little to solve such problems.

        Maybe try using Dopesheet and Graph view in unison with Sync button ON. This way the curve you have selected will be automatically filtered in the Dopesheet. And you can see if your animation has some bumps and you can fix the curve immediately.
        Having keyboard shortcuts is a good idea. My preferred workflow is to key everything and then clean up and polish it later. This way I concentrate only on the timing of a whole pose at a given key and just key stuff fast, so I get the motion I need first.
        For your 40 animations first I would see how much and what can I copy then try to work around that.
        And yup, physics is on the way. I have to say it will be cool, still, I am a weirdo who likes to animate everything by hand, so I can add personality even to a simple piece of cloth 🙂

        Thanks, I'll try.

        I tried and I don't understand how curves can be used to make a ladder offset.

        Actually, the curves are the best way to see the offset.

        I'm not need to see offset, i'm need set offset many times in many files. Offset may vary slightly depending on the files. This operation is primitive, but it needs to be done many times. It's tiresome.

        For the best most organic feel, what you want is to slightly change the apex of your curves, so every bone has slightly different values and spacing. Actually, this could be a good topic for a tutorial video.
        Check my video about the Wave principle
        It talks more about animation principles than workflow, but maybe it can be helpful.

        Did you try importing the finished animation, and copying the animation to a new skeleton? Then use curves to scale them to change the values if necessary. I know that repetative stuff is boring, that's why I always try to first see if there is any way I can copy the work already done.

        • Urr bunu yanıtladı.

          I watched the video and you yourself confirmed my words.

          For fine tuning, the use of curves is appropriate. But I don't need fine tuning. I'm talking about making a ladder offset by selecting the bones and specifying a offset of 5 frames for example. One simple action to select all values. One simple action specifying the number of offset frames. One simple click action apply.

          By the way, the video shows that it is difficult for you to set the offset when dragging the frame value to a new frame. So it's hard for me too.

          Sinisa Yes, I try to copy everything possible.