I am loading up a very old project that I just found in the editor to recover the animations. However all of the image links are broken due to changing workstations.
Is there a way to fix this? I can't figure it out. Thanks!
I am loading up a very old project that I just found in the editor to recover the animations. However all of the image links are broken due to changing workstations.
Is there a way to fix this? I can't figure it out. Thanks!
Antidamage In most cases, it can be fixed by correcting the Path
of the Images
node in the tree view to the correct one: http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-images#Images-path
However, if some image paths contain subfolders and the image folder structure has been changed from the original one, you may need to use Find and replace
to fix the path: http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-tree#Find-and-replace
Please let us know if these do not solve your problem.
[bilinmeyen] How would that help? The image paths are broken, no data was lost. Stop talking down to me without even reading my post.
Misaki That is the strange thing, there are no image nodes. They're just gone.
Antidamage I assume you have selected the animate mode. The Images
node is only available while the setup mode is selected.
Misaki They are not present in the setup mode, as shown in the screenshot.
As there is no way to add an image node, does this mean that the project is corrupted and unretrievable?
They are not present in the setup mode, as shown in the screenshot.
No, the screenshot you attached shows a key icon next to an event, and it means you are in the animate mode. Please check the upper left of the viewport:
Also, please refer to the user guide for more information: