• EditorBugs
  • Spine won't detect all resized files

I need to change padding to fit the outline required so I export psd with new padding value
Spine then show Images Resized dialog and ask me if I want to Stretch or Keep size but the problem is Spine only detect files that are active (which is 11 out of 300+ files, attached on other skins, all my attachments are meshes)

The other files which are not active, are stretched, now smaller and the whole animation look relaly weird. Is there a solution for this?

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    btw, I found out that Images Resized in this guide is kinda obsolate

    raaan127 I have confirmed that I can reproduce the problem you describe with Spine 4.1.24. I have tried several things, such as enabling "Show all skin attachments" in the view settings of the Tree view and pinning all skins in the Skins view, but I have not been able to successfully replace all attachments with images with added padding. Unfortunately, I cannot think of an effective solution. It may be effective to export your skeleton once in JSON format and then edit the JSON file, but I can't be sure. Please give us some time to see if other members of the Spine team can provide you with better solutions.

      I've done manually by replacing the (300+) files while selecting the skin (this process is actually painfull but not as painfull as extruding the mesh, each has at least 4 point and by selecting skins, attachments, then dragging 4 x 300+ of them the whole day, my fingers literally be killed 🥲 )
      Well, at least this can be done by spending time.

      However, I am experiencing another bug: option Keep size doing nothing (the result is equal Stretch). This is really frustrating because I can do nothing to fix this manually.

      --- EDIT ---
      The result is almost equal Stretch, I noticed that there is a very little different in scale, after replacing the file with increased padding and then replace with normal padding, both choosing Keep size, the scale is changed a little bit

      I've created an issue:

      The reason Spine only detects the visible images is because it doesn't know the others have changed size. To know that, it would have to load every image. There could be thousands, so that's not something it can do periodically just to check. We'll need to provide a button to scan all the image sizes.

      Maybe the best available solution at the moment is to make each skin visible and answer the popup. use hotkeys where possible, eg Next Skin. I apologize this may still be tedious. It may be easy to miss a mesh that is only visible in an animation. 🙁

      To see if Keep size and Stretch are working correctly, look at the images in edit mesh mode with Deformed unchecked. We'll also check it's functionality.

        Nate The function is doing great! Turn out I was exporting the un-padding larger than normal, The problem is clearly see when Deformed unchecked.