我拖入skel文件后图片的扫描路径是和骨骼路径一样 但是图片在images文件夹 导致不会直接显示图像

但是如果skel文件有 ./images 这段字符就可以在导入skel文件后自动切换到对应的images文件夹

有什么办法能给二进制skel文件添加 ./images 指定读取图片的文件夹吗? 期待有人能解答一下 非常感谢 😇


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When you pack with "nonessential data" checked, then the images path and other information is stored in the binary skeleton data file. This data is not normally needed at runtime, but can be helpful if you are importing back into Spine.

It's not easy to modify a binary file to add the path. Better to export it with nonessential data checked.

    Nate 非常感谢回答💕 我有很多skel文件有添加路径的需求 不知道有没有用命令调用spine.exe的方式给skel添加路径 如果通过UI界面添加路径太影响效率了😫

    There isn't a way to add the images path, unless you export it with nonessential checked or you write code to do it.

    Why do you need the images path in the .skel files? That isn't normally needed.

    Ideally you only use .skel files in your app. You should use .spine files to store the projects, and those always have the images path stored.

      Nate 我经常有用spine命令导出骨骼动画的需求,所以需要给skel添加上路径的指向
      如果没有指向图片路径的话 用命令导出的动画就会像下面这样 🥲

      OK, but export from the .spine file, not the .skel file.