I updated the Launcher and corrected the order of the JSON file, but the export still did not work.
The previously attached Test.spine file was saved with the Export setting enabled, so I am attaching the file again. I believe this attachment will help reproduce the issue.
without Export in Test.spine
C:\Workspace\Spine>spine -i Test.spine -o . -e exportAsJson.json
Spine Launcher 4.2.17
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
Starting: Spine 4.2.33 Enterprise
Spine 4.2.33 Enterprise
Licensed to: <removed>
JSON export: Test
with Export in Test.spine
C:\Workspace\Spine>spine -i Test.spine -o . -e exportAsJson.json
Spine Launcher 4.2.17
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
Starting: Spine 4.2.33 Enterprise
Spine 4.2.33 Enterprise
Licensed to: <removed>
JSON export: Test
Images path not found: ./images [skeleton2]
Images path not found: ./images [skeleton1]
Thank you for removing my personal information. You saved my life.