“不过,自 Spine 4.2 版本起,可以通过复制和粘贴约束设置来简化重新配置约束的过程。在树视图中,选择要复制设置的约束名称并按 ,然后选择要粘贴的约束名称并按 。Ctrl+CCtrl+V”这个有相关的演示吗?因为不理解,是在软件双开的情况下进行复制吗?
fxb_cat That means that the addition of bones and constraints itself must be done in a separate step, but the properties of the constraints can be copied and pasted as shown in the video below:
This can be done in a single window, but both the skeleton to be copied and the target skeleton to be pasted must be in a Spine project.