• Editor
  • Spine crash on start-up

I've been using Spine for years without any problems but since this morning it crashes on start-up.
I've tried an uninstall/install but the problem is still there.

I'm trying to launch version 3.8.74 and I've seen that they advise you to upgrade to 3.8.99 if you have to stay on 3.8, but I can't change the editor version because I'd ticked the ‘start automatically’ box.

Here is the log:
Spine Launcher 4.2.19 (macOS Apple Silicon)
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X aarch64 15.2
Apple, Apple M2 Pro, 2.1 Metal - 89.3
Launching: Spine 3.8.74 Professional
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
t to remove this warning.
Starting: Spine 3.8.74
Spine 3.8.74 Professional
Licensed to: <removed>
WARNING: Welcome data download failed, server error: 410

Can you help me ?


    Related Discussions
    • Düzenlendi

    It seems like you're experiencing a startup crash with Spine version 3.8.74 on macOS. Since you have the 'start automatically' option enabled, you can't change the version directly. To resolve this, you can try the following steps:

    1. Reset Spine Settings: Delete the prefs.json file located at ~/Library/Application Support/Spine/. This will reset your Spine settings and may allow you to access the launcher to change the version.

    2. Disable Automatic Start: If you manage to open the launcher, quickly click anywhere in the launcher window to cancel the automatic start. This should allow you to change the version to 3.8.99.

    3. Check for Interfering Software: Ensure that no other software, such as antivirus or display link programs, is interfering with Spine's startup.

    4. Update Graphics Drivers: Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date, as outdated drivers can cause issues with Spine.

    kromo404 Unfortunately, Spine 3.8 is very old and has been known to have a tendency to crash on startup on newer Mac PCs. We cannot do anything about this as it is due to changes Apple has made to the new macOS. However, as far as we have confirmed, it is not completely impossible to run, and sometimes the run is successful. I have not found a perfect rule on how to succeed, but from what I have tried, it tends to crash more easily if you are doing some other operation while Spine is starting. After the startup, the editor is often able to run stable.

    I am sorry to have to answer this way, but I hope you understand that in order to comply with the new MacOS specifications, we will also have to release a new version of the editor, and older versions will no longer be compatible. However, older versions tend to run more reliably on Windows, so if you want to use an older editor version, you may want to use a Windows PC.

    I can understand that. Thank you for your reply.

    bir ay sonra


    I have a similar problem after switching to Mac from Windows (where I never had any problems). Spine works fine for a few days, then start crashing at start-up. The only fix that works is to delete all Spine related files from Application Support folder and reinstall the program.

    Here's the log:
    Spine Launcher 4.2.19 (macOS Apple Silicon)
    Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2024 | http://esotericsoftware.com
    Mac OS X aarch64 15.3.1
    Apple, Apple M4 Pro, 2.1 Metal - 89.3
    Starting: Spine 4.2.39 Professional
    Spine 4.2.39 Professional
    Licensed to: <removed>
    [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
    [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
    [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
    [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
    [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
    [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!

    Any ideas?


    Sorry you are having trouble! The pixmap messages in the log shouldn't occur and we'll look into them, but they don't show a crash. Can you check your spine.log file after a crash, before running Spine again? That might give us more clues.

    5 gün sonra

    I checked before running Spine again and the log is identical. Is there any other place I can check to get additional crash details?

      sudoku99 Could you try running Spine from the CLI with the --traceparameter? The whole command should be like this:

      /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine --trace

      This way, a more detailed log is displayed when Spine starts, so please show us the logs that are displayed.


      it took a while this time, but it crashed again. Here's the more detailed log:

      Spine Launcher 4.3.00 (macOS Apple Silicon, 28)
      Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2025 | http://esotericsoftware.com
      Mac OS X aarch64 15.3.1
      TRACE: Parameter: --trace
      TRACE: Reading settings: /Users/<removed>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/start-1.json
      TRACE: The font "Times" is not available, so "Times New Roman" has been substituted, but may have unexpected appearance or behavior. Enable the "Times" font to remove this warning.
      Apple, Apple M4 Pro, 2.1 Metal - 89.3
      TRACE: Request: api, updateCheck
      TRACE: Connected: https://euapi.esotericsoftware.com:443
      TRACE: Started launcher: 2.64s (0.37 + 2.27)
      TRACE: Launcher window shown.
      Starting: Spine 4.2.40 Professional
      Spine 4.2.40 Professional
      Licensed to: <removed>
      TRACE: Reading settings: /Users/<removed>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/start-1.json
      TRACE: Reading settings: /Users/<removed>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/editor-2.json
      TRACE: Reading settings: /Users/<removed>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/recent-1.json
      TRACE: Reading settings: /Users/<removed>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/views-2.json
      TRACE: Reading settings: /Users/<removed>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/start-1.json
      [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
      [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
      [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
      [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
      [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
      [Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!

        sudoku99 Thank you for sharing your log with us. Unfortunately, we have not found the cause of the crash yet, but we are investigating it now and hope you can wait a while for a resolution to this issue.