@AxiomVerge, it's probably best not to encode game data in Spine. It may be convenient but, eg needing to edit your skeleton/animations to change the damage an enemy does probably isn't ideal. Still, we have an issue for arbitrary properties:

- 1 Nis 2021
- 28 Haz 2017 tarihinde katıldı
- Spine Editor what's next after 3.7!!! tartışmasında
- [Request] A switch to Maya's graph editor tartışmasında
We're excited about the curve editor too!
@AxiomVerge, we have always planned to allow keying X and Y separately, but seem to be continuously sidetracked with other things. You can see the task for it (and other things) here:
#26 Key X and Y translation separately
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As a workaround to keying X and Y separately, you could use 2 bones where one is the child of the other. You'd move one on X and the other on Y. It's certainly not as convenient though.