Sweet! Thank you Nate. I'll have to get the rest of the team on 4.2 then. I'm excited for all the new changes. Your team rocks!

- 11 Ara 2024
- 9 May 2023 tarihinde katıldı
- Audio and Play stops working tartışmasında
- Audio and Play stops working tartışmasında
Sure thing. I am on Win 11 v. 23H2. The spine log is the same before and after the audio quits working. I did notice something today, regardless of my headphones being plugged in "Default audio device" is the only option I see in the Aduio dropdown. On the gif below: 1st play is with headphones in and play button works. 2nd play is after unplug and the play no longer works. I do want to re-emphasize that the play button works some of the time after I unplug but the audio doesn't.
Spine Launcher 4.1.12
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
Intel, Intel(R) UHD Graphics, 4.6.0 - Build
Starting: Spine 4.1.24 Enterprise
Spine 4.1.24 Enterprise
Licensed to: <removed> Using customized hotkeys: hotkeys-1.txt
OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
Update available: 4.2.12 - Audio and Play stops working tartışmasında
I keep running into this issue where I have my headphones plugged in, animate for some time and then if I unplug my headphones (or my laptop goes to sleep) the audio stops working. The opposite is true as well, if I am unplugged the audio works but then I plug in and it no longer works.
Some times playback no longer works either (clicking the play button or with the hotkey D).
Editor information
4.1.12 (I can't move onto 4.2 at the moment)
No error messages.
- Attchements visible by deafault? tartışmasında
Misaki I have my Graph and Dopesheet UI stacked so I can easily move back and forth. Thank you for the suggestion.
I also have theSync
button activated. I'm just not sure what the benefit is to not display everything that's keyed when you hit theSpacebar
..? It would be a nice feature to add to the settings. Thank you for your help. - Attchements visible by deafault? tartışmasında
Is there a way to have the attachements visible by default in the Graph view? I prefer to block on 1's and then move the keys in the dopesheet. Problem I run into is I think I've selected everything, I move a bunch of things around the dopesheet and then find that the attachments were not delected and have to undo or clean them up.
- Missing UI when Toolbar postion set to right tartışmasında
When changing the Toolbar postion to right the zoom/ruler UI is missing.
Describe: 1) I tried changing the toolbar position to the right, 2) I expected that all of the UI positions would show the zoom/ruler, and 3) The zoom/ruler no longer shows.
Tell us your Spine Runtimes version - 4.1.23 Enterprise
[upl-image-preview url=https://en.esotericsoftware.com/forum/assets/files/2023-08-23/1692829352-439119-rulerzoom-ui-missing.gif]