Okay cool thanks Ryusui & Mario.

- 28 Ağu 2022
- 16 Haz 2017 tarihinde katıldı
- spine-godot Runtime released tartışmasında
- spine-godot Runtime released tartışmasında
Animating my character in Godot is working great.
As far as setting up the character controller, I know I can do something like:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_left"):
get_animation_state().set_animation("Run", true, 0)
velocity.x -= speed...this moves the character, but since I'm not extending KinematicBody2D I don't have access to 'move_and_slide()' & 'is_on_floor()' like most controller examples use.
So what I'm doing is setting the 'SpineSprite' node as a child of 'KinematicBody2D' node.
Then I can apply the animation Spine code to the SprineSprite node & have a separate script on the KinematicBody2D node to process anything I want with is_on_floor() & move_and_slide().But I'm not sure if this is the best way to do this, or if it's better I just build out all the custom control physics all in the 'SpineSprite' script. Curious what anyone else is doing...
- Crash on start-up Mac OS (Apple Silicon) tartışmasında
No worries, thanks for your hard work!
- Crash on start-up Mac OS (Apple Silicon) tartışmasında
Same issue. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling as well.
Hi all, I reinstalled and Spine is working on my Mac mini M1! I just upgraded today to macOS Big Sur 11.2.2 so not sure if that had anything to do with it (I hadn't tried in a few weeks). So excited to use this amazing program again!
- spine-libgdx now available in Maven Central tartışmasında
- Düzenlendi
compile "com.esotericsoftware.spine:spine-libgdx:"
- Script for Manga Studio EX5? tartışmasında
I use Manga Studio 5 as well. What I do is create a keyboard shortcut to quickly export each individual layer (still takes a few minutes), then I load all layers into GIMP. There is a gimp script with Spine thankfully. The benefit of doing this is so that you can open all your layers together in Spine, instead of having to manually load and arrange each one, one by one.